Marigold Plus capsules (for the treatment of vision organs diseases)

Product code: THKLOS-00146
4 730

Indication for use: Myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma, nyctalopia or night blindness, astigmatism, retinopathy, asthenopia, macular degeneration.

Using as an adjuvant: vascular diseases not related to the organs of vision.

Therapeutic action: has a complex effect on the human cardiovascular system, restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries and throughput. you can read in more detail about the action of each component and its effect on the body in the description below.

Product composition:

1. Marigold Flower Extract 120 mg.

2. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 60 mg.

3. Licopin 6 mg.

4. Lysin 25 mg.

5. Vitamin E Acitate

6. Pentothinate acid 6 mg.

7. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) 2 mg.

8. Thyamin hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) 1,5 mg.

9. Rybloflavin 1,7 mg.

10. Berries extract 50 mg.

Methods of administration and dosages: Take 1 capsule in the morning 30 minutes before a meal and 1 capsule in the evening before bedtime. The standard course is 180 days

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug

Side effects: during the use of this herbal drug no side effects were observed.


HOF Marigold Plus capsules overview

As a therapeutic herbal drug is intended for treating such diseases as myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma, nyctalopia or night blindness, astigmatism, retinopathy, asthenopia.

As an adjuvant herbal drug is intended for treating diseases of the vascular system, mainly when there is a violation of the capillary circulatory network functioning.

The standard dosage of the drug is 1 capsule an hour before meals 2 times a day.

Using as a preventative measure: It is recommended for the protection of the organs of vision for persons with an increased load on them - working with monitors, electric welding, driving vehicles, a tendency to vascular diseases, old age.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects: during the use of this herbal drug no side effects were observed.

Marigold Plus product description: produced by the Thai company HOF. The HOF company specializes in the production of drugs mainly from natural ingredients using modern high-tech European equipment and differs from many others in a high quality of both the products themselves and their packaging, which undoubtedly indicates a high level of production culture. The main component of the drug, which predetermines its name, is an extract of Calendula officinalis flowers. The plant is known to many as a rinse aid for sore throat, stomatitis, wounds and fistulas on the skin. In fact, since ancient times, Calendula flowers have been used to treat diseases of the eye apparatus by prescribing oral administration. Modern extraction technologies make it possible to obtain a highly concentrated extract so the required dose of the active substance is placed in a gelatin capsule.

1. Each capsule contains 120 mg of Lutein and its isomer Zeaxanthin, isolated from Calendula flowers, for those who need more information about how these substances act on the organs of vision - google can help.

2. The second component of each capsule is vitamin C, also isolated from plant materials in the amount of 60 mg. Ascorbic acid is the chemical name for this water-soluble vitamin. It is an important participant in protein metabolism. As a participant in redox reactions in the body, vitamin C helps block and remove decay products, in other words, it is an antioxidant. With active stimulation of ascorbic acid, collagen protein is formed, which is responsible for cell repair. In a number of eye diseases (cataract, glaucoma) the cornea or lens of the eye is destroyed and its regeneration is required.

3. The third component of each capsule is Lycopene in an amount of 6 mg. Lycopene is not synthesized in the human body, it comes only with food. Lycopene, as a nonspecific antioxidant, slows down peroxide processes in tissues, including the lens. A clinical study found an inverse relationship between levels of lycopene in blood and the risk of developing cataracts. The maximum concentration of Lycopene is found in guava, watermelon and tomatoes.

4. The fourth component of each capsule is Lysine in an amount of 25 mg. - aliphatic amino acid with pronounced properties of a basic element. Like other aliphatic amino acids, lysine is not synthesized in the human body and is an essential amino acid. Lysine deficiency adversely affects protein synthesis, leading to fatigue, tiredness and weakness, poor appetite, stunted growth and weight loss, inability to concentrate, irritability, bleeding in the eyeball, hair loss, anemia and reproductive problems. Lysine is produced from legumes. As part of this drug, Lysine protects the lens of the eye from damage and prevents the development of cataracts.

5. The fifth component of each capsule is vitamin E in an amount of 8 mg. One of the most powerful antioxidants for the human eye is Vitamin E. It helps protect cell membranes throughout the body from damage caused by the side effects of products formed as a result of metabolism, the so-called free radicals. The term vitamin "E" describes not one substance, but a group of eight compounds called tocopherol and tocotrienols. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E. The benefit of vitamin E for vision is that it helps preventing the development of cataracts. In addition, it is another factor in the prevention of macular degeneration. Studies conducted in 2008 showed that people who consumed large doses of lutein and vitamin E had no signs of cataracts in comparison with people whose diet contained less than 20 percent of these nutrients. It is produced from the oil of cereal germs.

6. The sixth ingredient in each capsule is Pantothenic Acid in an amount of 6 mg per capsule. Pantothenic acid is isolated from the green parts of various plants. It increases visual acuity and takes part in the metabolic processes of the body. The lack of pantothenic acid in the human body provokes a weakening of vision.

7. The seventh component of each capsule is Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 in an amount of 2 mg. Pyridoxine is a participant in cellular metabolism. Like other B vitamins, this substance also affects the function of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 is a natural tranquilizer. If it is in short supply, then the eyes quickly get tired, conjunctivitis develops, and the optic nerve may even become inflamed. In addition, a symptom of vitamin B6 deficiency is eye twitching. It is produced from the germ of rice grains.

8. The eighth component of each capsule is Thiamin or vitamin B1 in an amount of 1.5 mg per capsule. A lack of vitamin B1 in the body leads to damage to nerve cells and a decrease in visual acuity. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, in particular on the innervation of the eyes. Without vitamin B1 (thiamine) the transmission of nerve impulses in any organ, including the eyes, is impossible.

9. The ninth component of each capsule is Riboflavin or vitamin B12 as it is also called in an amount of 0.02 mg per capsule. Riboflavin is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of eye drops, most likely this drug is chemically synthesized, so there is no reason to recommend it for use. As part of the HOF company mixture, riboflavin is isolated from plant materials. Riboflavin is an element that contributes to the normal functioning of nerve cells and fibers. Of course, vitamin B12 helps to strengthen the optic nerve. Vitamin deficiency leads to disruptions in the blood supply to the organs of vision with all the ensuing consequences.

10. The tenth and last component of each capsule is an extract of berries which grow in Thailand, the name is not disclosed by the manufacturer, indicating only that this is a natural ingredient in an amount of 50 mg per capsule.

This herbal drug can be used both for the treatment and for the protection of the organs of vision. It is used to cure and prevent diseases such as myopia, hyperopia.

Cataract is a pathological condition associated with clouding of the lens of the eye and causing various degrees of visual impairment up to its complete loss. Clouding of the lens is caused by protein denaturation (for those who do not know what denaturation is, let me remind you that this is a violation of the natural structure of the protein, or rather the native conformation of the protein molecule under the influence of various destabilizing factors. That is, the chemical agents that are contained in food supplements and chemically synthesized drugs) Almost one in six people over 40 and the vast majority of the population over 80 suffer from cataracts.

Glaucoma, which is a large group of eye diseases is characterized by a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure above the level acceptable for a given person, followed by the development of typical visual field defects, decreased visual acuity and atrophy of the optic nerve.

Nyctalopia or night blindness - blurred vision at dusk.

Astigmatism is a visual defect associated with the violation of the shape of the lens, cornea or eye.

Retinopathy - or damage to the retina of the eyeball of any origin.

Macular degeneration is a group of diseases in which the retina of the eye is affected and central vision is impaired. Macular degeneration is based on vascular pathology and ischemia (malnutrition) of the central zone of the retina, which is responsible for central vision. Age-related macular degeneration is one of the most common causes of blindness in people over 55 years of age.

Asthenopia is a very common disease, or as it is called eye fatigue. The main reason is vascular disorders, which lead to a disorder of the blood supply to the retina.

I have been talking about the main diseases associated with the vascular system of the eye apparatus, of course there are others, and it is worth noting that this mixture which is intended for the prevention and restoration of vision affects all diseases of the vascular type.

Most of the vision problems are caused by a violation of the supply of necessary elements through the vessels that connect the eyeball to the body, as well as a violation of the optic nerve conduction or a decrease in its transmission capacity. Bandwidth should be understood as the number of bytes of digital data per unit of time. The design of the eye is not much different from the design of a modern video camera - it also has a lens, an analogue of the lens in the eyeball, there is an eye fundus with light-sensitive elements - in the camera this is called a photosensitive matrix, the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm, and a rotary device or a muscle, which in the rotary chamber is called the drive mechanism. The biological camera of a person, unlike a mechanical device, has more advanced functions, higher resolution and self-repair functions, which not everyone understands. The universe has provided everything necessary on this planet so that any given person can help himself repair his own body. Of course, if a person does not change his nutrition habits and stops eating those foods and liquids which caused the disease, at best, only an improvement in visual functions will occur. complete recovery takes time, requires a change in worldview and a review of the individual's nutrition habits.

The drug Marigold Plus in encapsulated form which is produced by HOF in the Kingdom of Thailand is presented on the slide show. You can buy this product from the distributor, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store Postal delivery is carried out to most countries of the world.

Product type Capsules
Release form Capsule 300 mg
Packaging type Vial
Package quantity, PCs. 30
Length 60 mm
Height 95 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight, gross 180 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by HOF
Country of origin Thailand

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