Momordica Сochinchinensis extract in combination with wild tomato extract (Gaccopene Khaolaor Laboratory)

Product code: THKLOS-0032
4 030

Indication for use: anemia, vascular atherosclerosis, cataract, amblyopia, myopia, hemeralopia, prostate adenoma.

Using as an adjuvant: cancer, depression, dementia.

Therapeutic action: Antioxidant, immunomodulator, oncoprotector, anti-inflammatory drug, lowers cholesterol.

Product composition:

1.Momordica cochinchinensis Extract 300 mg

2.Solánum lycopérsicum Extract 200 mg

Other names: Gak, the fruit of heaven

Methods of administration and dosages: 1-2 capsules 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals for 90 days.

Contraindications \ Precautions: Individual intolerance, hypervitaminosis A., Use with caution when prescribing to people who suffer from alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, renal failure, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and during lactation.

Side effects: Large overdoses (exceeding a single dose by 5 times or more) cause drowsiness, lethargy, double vision, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, osteoporosis, bleeding from the gums, dryness and ulceration of the oral mucosa, peeling of the lips, skin (especially of the palms), confusion, increased intracranial pressure (in infants – hydrocephalus).


Khaolaor Laboratory Gaccopene overview

Gaccopene herbal drug - Momordica cochinchinensis extract combined with wild tomato extract.

The fruits of Momordica Cochinchinensis have been used in ayurvedic medicine in the Asian region since ancient times. Momordica Cochinchinensis is called Gak in Asia. In Vietnam, gak is added to rice in the preparation of the festive New Year's cake, Banh Tung, which is steamed. In folk medicine, the plant fruits extracts are used for various purposes, or rather the extract and oil, which are obtained from the red shell around the seed of the plant. 1 gram of this extract contains 30 mg of carotene, which corresponds to 50,000 international units of vitamin A. Momordica Cochinchinensis extract is a strong immunomodulator, the herbal drug is prescribed for mentally retarded children. Gaka extract has a special effect on the human visual system, because the oil of Momordica Cochinchinensis contains beta-carotene 2 times more than in the liver of mackerel and 15 times more than in carrots. In particular, the herbal drug is effective as an adjuvant for cataracts, myopia, amblyopia, hemeralopia, which means in common language night blindness.

Momordica Cochinchinensis extract contains carotenoid lycopene, a substance that prevents cardiac disorders, which makes the drug an active protector against heart diseases, in particular heart attacks. Academic studies on carotenoid lycopene and beta-carotene have proven the effect of these natural antioxidants on malignant tumors which is expressed in slowing down the growth of cancer cells, as well as preventing their primary appearance. Studies have found that a complex protein compound contained in Momordica Cochinchinensis prevents proliferation - that is, the multiplication of cancer cells by division. Products based on Momordica contain a high concentration of iron, in combination with folic acid and vitamin C, which predetermines their use in treating anemia, which is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin concentration and in the vast majority of cases the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood.

Weekly use of Momordica Cochinchinensis showed a significant decrease in blood cholesterol levels in a control group of patients, this predetermines Gaccopene as an additional herbal drug for the treatment of atherosclerosis and vascular thrombosis, especially in combination with the North Korean drug Hyolgunbullojon, and in the case of thrombosis also with Lumbrokinase. A few words must be said about the second component of Gaccopene - wild tomato peel extract. The ancient Aztecs used wild tomato to treat eye problems, this is the earliest mention of the healing properties of wild tomato, in the modern ayurvedic pharmacopoeia wild tomatoes are used in North Korea as one of the components for the production of the drug Neosimsahyang, which is used to treat severe lesions of the nervous system including in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.

The high content of selenium in the herbal drug Gaccopene predetermines its positive effect on the central nervous system, which makes the drug an additional component in the treatment of mental disorders, in particular depression. The herbal drug contains active antioxidant substances that allow it to be used for aging prevention. Gaccopene takes a special place in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, which is prostate adenoma or simply prostatitis. The herbal drug has a pronounced antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect on the pelvic organs and improves urine outflow. The most effective results are achieved if doing a complex therapy while using Gaccopene in combination with an ayurvedic herbal product, the North Korean Kumdang-2 and a multi-mineral complex which is also produced in North Korea. In the presence of calculi, it is necessary to add the drug Korekhalson to the complex therapy.

Contraindications \ Precautions: Individual intolerance, hypervitaminosis A., Use with caution when prescribing to people who suffer from alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, renal failure, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and during lactation.

Using as a preventative measure: The herbal drug Gaccopene for preventative measures should be used once a year for 90 days, 1-2 capsules 2 times a day 20 minutes after meals. The prevention is useful for people who are at a high risk of cancer, for people over 40 years of age and for those who are with a tendency to vision organs diseases and diseases of vascular origin.

As a therapeutic herbal drug, the dosage is 2-4 capsules 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes after meals. When using Gaccopene as a therapeutic drug, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to determine the correct dosage and possible combinations with other ayurvedic herbal drugs based on concomitant diseases, if any.

Product type Capsules
Release form Capsule 500 mg
Packaging type Vial
Package quantity, PCs. 60
Length 60 mm
Height 100 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight, gross 70 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by Khaolaor Laboratories Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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