Thunbergia Laurifolia (Powder)

Product code:

Indication for use: liver fibrosis, heavy metal poisoning, phenol and formaldehyde poisoning, general aging of body cells, alcohol intoxication.

Using as an adjuvant: liver cirrhosis, liver hepatosis, exposure to adverse environmental conditions.

Using as a preventative measure: recommended for people living in areas with adverse environmental factors, including those living in cities and using tap water, products from supermarkets, as well as those who are in areas where aerosols that poison the body are sprayed into the air. It is recommended for everyone who has had "preventative" vaccinations, regardless of age and type. The preventative dosage for people residing in areas with poor ecology is 2 grams 3 times a day 2 hours after a meal for an adult weighing 40 kg and more and for continuous use as long as the adverse environmental factors persist.

Therapeutic action: detoxifier, antioxidant, antidote, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antidiabetic, oncoprotective, antipyretic, hepatoprotective.

Methods of administration and dosages: the dosage for a complete detoxification of a person weighing 40 kg and more is 3 grams 3 times a day 2 hours after meals, with a weight of 20 to 40 kg, the dosage is 2 grams 3 times a day 2 hours after meals, dosage with a weight of 10 to 20 kg is 1 gram 3 times a day 2 hours after meals. The general course is 180 days, must observe the "7 Angels" nutrition system. Children weighing less than 10 kg should consult with a naturopath to determine the optimal preventive course. You can schedule an appointment with a naturopath by following this LINK.

Preparation of an ethanol infusion: 100 grams of dried leaves of Thunbergia laurifolia powder must be mixed with 900 ml of a 70-75% aqueous-alcoholic solution. It is advisable to use alcohol of the "Alpha" category of the highest degree of purification. The mixing process should be done indoors in a dark space that has no direct sunlight and in a glass container, this space should be convenient for periodic mixing. The infusion is ready after 21 days of sitting with 2 daily shakings. Prepare and store it in a dark place away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. Glass containers with infusions should preferably be wrapped with aluminum or copper foil and it should be preferably grounded. After 21 days, the infusion is ready. If necessary, the solution can be filtered with the assistance of a filtering paper or other filtering material. If long-term storage is expected, then filtering is not possible. An ethanol solution is used as an external agent for rubbings, lotions and compresses that are used for treating the skin diseases which are indicated in the prescription. It can also be used orally. The standard single dose is 15 - 20 ml. It can be diluted with clean water.

Contraindications \ Precautions: hypoglycemia, individual intolerance, use with caution if you are treating diabetes mellitus with high dosages of insulin, or oral sugar-lowering drugs, especially in cases where hypoglycemic coma has previously been observed.

Side effects: lowers blood glucose levels.

Product composition:

1. Thunbergia Laurifolia powder

Asiabiopharm Thunbergia Laurifolia overview:

Thunbergia Laurifolia or Ran Jeet (in Thai), a widely used herbal medicine in Thailand and other Asian countries. Thunbergia Laurifolia has been approved as a traditional Thai medicine for detoxifying poisons. It is a widely used medicinal plant in Thailand and Indonesia. Thunbergia Laurifolia is a plant belonging to the Acanthaceae family. This plant contains phytochemicals, which are biologically active, natural compounds that have long been used as medicinal ingredients. Compounds isolated from the leaves of Thunbergia include phenolic acids - chlorogenic, caffeic, gallic and protocatechuic acids, flavonoids apigenin and grandifloric acid, glycosides - iridoid glycoside and glucopyranosides. It has been established that the active substances in the composition of Thunbergia Laurifolia have antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that Thunbergia reduces the toxicity of poisonous metal compounds, including lead, mercury, cadmium, strontium, arsenic, and tantalum. In addition, Thunbergia Laurifolia will significantly reduce toxicity in case of poisoning with parathion and paraquat. Parathion - an organophosphorus compound, an insecticide that is abundantly sprayed on agricultural crops, or as it is also called "Folidol" or "Thiophos" - is a cholinesterase inhibitor, it destroys the nervous system by suppressing acetylcholinesterase. It leads to severe neurodegenerative diseases that result in impaired cognitive functions. The herbicide "paraquat" – also known as "Crisquat" and "dexuron" is also methyl viologen dichloride. It is widely used in agriculture to kill weeds, as well as to destroy the nervous systems of bipeds that eat industrial crops. The European Union approved the use of paraquat in 2004, but Sweden, supported by Denmark, Austria and Finland, placed an appeal on the decision. In 2007, a court overturned a directive authorizing paraquat as a plant protection substance, stating that the 2004 decision was incorrect because at the time of the decision there appeared to be no evidence of paraquat-related neurotoxicity and that research on the link between paraquat and Parkinson's disease were to be considered. Banned in the European Union since 2007, but still happily used in many countries with the unconditional approval of the pharmacological lobby and the tacit consent of the world health (destruction) organization. Paraquat is an oxidizing agent that interferes with electron exchange, a process that is common to all life. Thunbergia Laurifolia has been clinically proven in previous studies to reduce alcohol toxicity in the liver, which will obviously benefit those wives who are struggling to keep their alcoholic husbands productive. As a result of numerous studies on its health benefits, Thunbergia Laurifolia has been approved as a Thai traditional medicine on Thailand's National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) for detoxifying poisons and as an antipyretic. Thunbergia Laurifolia is commonly used in Thai traditional medicine clinics to detoxify pesticides, alcohol and is supplied as an herbal tea that is taken orally. Among the 74 Thai traditional medicines included in the NLEM, Thunbergia Laurifolia is the only one with hypoglycemia as a possible side effect. More than 400 plants and compounds show anti-diabetic activity through various mechanisms such as reduced insulin resistance, improved beta-cell function, an incretin-dependent pathway, and slowing glucose absorption. Studies have shown that Thunbergia Laurifolia has antioxidant, anti-diabetic effects and appears to preserve beta-cell function.

Detoxifying properties of Thunbergia Laurifolia: the intended purpose of Thunbergia Laurifolia in treating ailments as part of a therapeutic complex is expressed in one of its properties, its phenols bind and remove chemical toxic substances from the body, including metal salts, phenolic compounds and formaldehydes. In combination with the antioxidant activity of the plant which is expressed in binding free radicals a high therapeutic potential is achieved and the need for its use as part of most therapeutic complexes which are intended for a wide range of chronic human diseases arises, since most chronic diseases occur against the background of general intoxication of the human body with toxic substances contained in the atmosphere, food and drinking water. Since ancient times, the population of the human species has been regulated by poisoning individuals with slow-acting poisons, this we can feel and observe on our own. The therapeutic effect of Thunbergia Laurifolia is not limited to antioxidant and detoxifying activity, as studies have proven that the plant has also neuroprotective properties. Let us consider in more detail the direct and indirect mechanisms of action in relation to the treatment of diseases with the above mentioned poisons, primarily metal compounds. Metal salts, including lead, aluminum and mercury, are ubiquitous pollutants in the human body. Lead is present almost everywhere, cities are sprinkled with aluminum, barium, strontium and tantalum, in the same manner as insecticidal dust is sprinkled on cockroaches, by brave pilots proudly sitting at the controls of chemtrail spraying airplanes. Health officials in great concern for the health of the nation and with their outstanding decrees poison the drinking water at the legislative level with steroids and antibiotics. Caring pediatricians take care of children by infusing them with dozens of "protective" injections containing mercury, lead, aluminum and a whole range of "useful" substances, ensuring, so to speak, the "right" development of the child, providing the Medical association and big farm with work during the whole life cycle of the child and until the end. All this orgy is enshrined at the legal level and elevated to the rank of health protection. In this given situation reasonable individuals have to use non-traditional methods for removing all this “protection” from their bodies, the bodies of their loved ones and children. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of action of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf on the human body. Metal poisoning is a disease that is toxic not only to the brain, but also to many other organs and tissues, including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive organs such as the reproductive organs in women: the internal genital organs of women include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. The nervous system is a major target for metal salt exposure, and the developing brain of children is particularly vulnerable to metal salt neurotoxicity. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) or acetylhydrolase is a serine protease that hydrolyses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to acetyl-CoA and choline. Acetylcholinesterase is found primarily at neuromuscular junctions and cholinergic synapses in the brain, where its activity serves to terminate synaptic transmission. Other studies have shown that the harmful effects of metal salt poisoning on memory may be due to their ability to cause cholinergic dysfunction in the brain. Since the cholinergic system is responsible for behavioral manifestations, the observation of metal-induced disturbances in the acetylcholinesterase system can be attributed to cognitive dysfunction. Modern pseudo-medicine has found an effective way to make money on those whom it first poisoned - this is the so-called chelation therapy. However, it is a paid for cheese for a fooled mouse, as there are many side effects, such as an imbalance of divalent metal ions, and the trickiest thing is that it is absolutely useless for repairing previous nerve damage caused by all of the above "legitimate" methods of poisoning bipeds. Currently, modern pseudomedicine does not have effective drugs for the treatment of chronic cognitive deficits caused by poisoning with metal compounds. Thunbergia Laurifolia is an Asian medicinal plant which is used since ancient times by real medicine, including ancient Chinese, Tibetan and Indian medicine, including Ayurveda. An aqueous extract of fresh leaves, dried leaves, dried roots and bark of Thunbergia Laurifolia has been used for detoxification and first aid for poisoning by strychnine, insecticides, ethyl alcohol, arsenic, mercury, lead and a wide range of poisons based on phenols, formaldehydes and metal compounds. Phenolic compounds of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf extracts act as a highly effective antioxidant, and most importantly, as a chelating agent. Chelating agent (Chelating agents) is a chemical compound that forms structures by attaching to metal ions - in fact, phenolic compounds of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf capture and bind toxic metal ions inside the body and remove poisons from it through the excretory systems. Obviously, it has been experimentally proven that the use of Thunbergia Laurifolia, in addition to a general detoxification of all body tissues, including bones, bone marrow, spinal cord and brain, stops neurotoxicity caused by metal compounds, which is the cause of attention deficit, memory loss and changes in acetylcholinesterase activity. Moreover, this has been proven both in vitro and in vivo. In particular, studies by a group of Thai biologists - Dr. Tangpong and Dr. Satarug proved that the leaf extract of Thunbergia Laurifolia at an oral daily dosage of 200 mg / kg of body weight (14 grams per 70 kg of body weight) reduces neuronal death and memory loss caused by poisoning with metal compounds, and the antioxidant activity of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf extract enhances the therapeutic effect. At cholinergic synapses, acetylcholinesterase plays a critical role in synaptic transmission by controlling the action of choline disorders that are implicated in various neuropsychiatric disorders. However, Thunbergia Laurifolia significantly restored brain acetylcholinesterase in patients with brain injuries, which allows us to state that Thunbergia Laurifolia not only exhibits neuroprotective properties, but, most importantly, reverses the dysfunction of acetylcholinesterase induced by heavy metal salts poisoning. In simpler terms, Thunbergia Laurifolia is able to heal neurodegenerative brain lesions over a long course. This study was supported by a grant from the Research Foundation of Thailand (MRG5180200). He was also supported in part by the Higher Education Commission, the Ministry of Education and Walailak University. All the above data and studies prove the high effectiveness of the use of Thunbergia Laurifolia.

Antioxidant activity: Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf extract has been shown in a series of studies to have a high potential for scavenging radicals and inhibiting lipid peroxidation. The radical scavenging activity of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf extracts is directly related to its phenol content. Phenolic compounds are the main components responsible for the ability of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf extracts to remove free radicals.

Hepatoprotective activity of Thunbergia Laurifolia: Chronic inflammation of the liver usually leads to the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), and as a result is the main cause of liver fibrosis. One of the unique characteristics activated by HSCs is a marked increase in extracellular matrix components, including α-smooth muscle actin and collagen. Liver fibrosis can eventually cause cirrhosis of the liver, which can be identified by the abnormal structure of the liver with fibrous scarring and hepatocyte nodules. In 2010, cirrhosis-related deaths in the world's population were reported to have exceeded one million. In more than 12 years since 2010, multinational fast food corporations have significantly improved the mortality rates of bipedal burger eaters. Liver stellate cells are unique mesenchymal cells that make up about 5-8% of the liver cells. Normally, the asterisks are in a dormant stage, however, liver damage or chronic inflammation leads to the activation of the asterisks and their differentiation into myofibroblast-like cells. These cells have a high level of expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), which is a marker for the development and progression of fibrosis. Alpha smooth muscle actin plays an important role in the contractility of fibroblasts during wound healing and tissue fibrosis. To date, there is no standard treatment for liver fibrosis. Studies of the effect of Thunbergia Laurifolia extract on liver stellate cells have shown stunning results. In the process of studying the antifibrotoxic activity of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf, the cytotoxicity of the extract of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf to the human liver stellate cell line (LX-2) was evaluated using the MTT assay (colorimetric test for evaluating the metabolic activity of cells). It was experimentally proven that cells treated with Thunbergia Laurifolia extract in the concentration range (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mg/ml) for 24 h showed a significant decrease in the viability of asterisks, especially at 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mg/ml. A study has demonstrated that Thunbergia Laurifolia has antifibrotic properties. The extract of this plant reduces the production of fibrosis markers, including alpha-smooth muscle actin, collagen-I, and a marker of vascular wall fibrosis (MMP). Thunbergia Laurifolia mechanism of action lies in its interference with transforming growth factor (TGF)-dependent signal transduction pathways: p38 MAPK and Erk1/2. The study proves that Thunbergia Laurifolia has a powerful ability to suppress the activation of liver stellate cells, and indicates the effectiveness of Thunbergia Laurifolia in the treatment of liver fibrosis.

Safety of use: Twenty healthy volunteers - 10 men and 10 women - took Thunbergia Laurifolia 3 times / day for 2 weeks. Ten subjects took 9 grams of Thunbergia Laurifolia leaf daily. After the safety of Thunbergia at a dosage of 9 grams was established, another 10 subjects took 12 grams of the herb daily. Clinical and biochemical tests were evaluated at baseline and after 2 weeks. The average age is 40 years. Significant changes in biological parameters, including body weight, blood pressure, lipid profile and C-reactive protein, parameters of glucose homeostasis, were not observed. No adverse effects were observed during the study period. Thunbergia Laurifolia at doses of 9 and 12 grams per day is well tolerated without any side effects.

You can find a series of scientific articles on the site on the page dedicated to Thunbergia Laurifolia, this includes articles about the use of and herbal drugs which were prepared from it for the treatment of all of the above diseases. To do this, go to the tab "Scientific articles".

You can buy this product from the producer, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store You can find the links and contact details of the producer in the description of this video.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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