Turmeric (Curmin Curcuma Powder)

Product code:

Indication for use: vascular atherosclerosis, skin cancer (melanoma), Alzheimer's disease, hydrocyanic dementia, epilepsy, depression, atopic dermatitis, panophthalmitis, acute prostatitis, catheter-associated pyelonephritis, trophic ulcers, bone cancer, including osteogenic sarcoma, parosteal sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, blood cancer and cancer of the lymphatic system - leukemia, including Burkitt's lymphoma.

Fungal infections: microsporia (microsporosis), mycoses, including epidermophytosis of the foot (athlete's foot), ringworm, herpes zoster, inguinal epidermophytosis (bordered eczema), onychomycosis, tiling mycosis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, dermatomycosis, pheogyphomycosis, mycotic keratitis, conjunctivitis and ophthalomycosis, pterygium.

Parasitic infestations: leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, a wide range of helminthiases, babesiosis, scabies, coccidiosis, giardiasis, diseases caused by plasmodia, including malaria, trypanosomiasis, acanthamebiasis, granulomatous amoebic encephalitis and acanthamoeba keratitis.

Musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bag), coxarthrosis, osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis.

Respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic reactions, bronchopulmonary mycosis, pulmonary fibrosis, exogenous allergic alveolitis, chronic rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, lung cancer or bronchogenic cancer or bronchogenic lung carcinoma.

Digestive organs: gastritis, gastroenteritis, esophagitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, esophageal ulcer, reflux, colorectal cancer, colonic lymphoma, clear cell kidney cancer, papillary (subtypes 1 and 2) kidney cancer, chromophobic kidney cancer, kidney oncocytoma, cancer collecting ducts, medullary kidney cancer, liver cancer, hepatocarcinoma, steatosis and hepatosis of the liver, including toxic hepatosis, periodontal disease and periodontitis.

Using as an adjuvant: diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, lupus nephritis, smoking, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Using as a preventative measure: it is recommended for people who smoke and who are prone to chronic gastrointestinal diseases, people with weakened immune systems, as well as those at risk for oncological and cardiovascular diseases, including diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The preventative dosage is 1 gram 3 times a day just before meals. The course is 30 days. The frequency of is 1 time in every 2 months - every second month of the year. People over 60 years of age should consult with a naturopath to determine the optimal preventive course. You can schedule an appointment with a naturopath by following this LINK.

Therapeutic action: antioxidant, reduces atherosclerotic arterial stenosis, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antitumor, oncoprotective, anti-angiogenic, anti-apoptopic, cytotoxic, immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, carminative, hemostatic, antihistamine (anti-allergic), hepatoprotective, hypothermic, anxiolytic (against anxiety), sedative, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and antimutagenic.

Methods of administration and dosages: the standard dosage is 2 grams 3 times a day just before meals. The therapeutic course is from 30 to 180 days, depending on the nature and course of the disease. In the treatment of oncological diseases, the dosage and frequency is calculated by a specialist, depending on the patient's weight, age, severity and type of the disease and in most cases as a part of a therapeutic course.

Preparation of an ethanol infusion: 100 grams of Turmeric dried roots powder should be mixed with 900 ml of a 60-65% aqueous-alcoholic solution. It is advisable to use alcohol of the "Alpha" category of the highest degree of purification. The mixing process should be done indoors out of direct sunlight reach in a glass container which is convenient for periodic mixing. The infusion is prepared for 21 days with 2 daily shakings. Prepare and store in a dark place away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. Glass containers with infusions should be wrapped with aluminum or copper foil and kept grounded. After 21 days, the infusion is ready. If necessary, it can be filtered through filtering paper. If long-term storage is expected, then filtering is not possible. The ethanol solution is used orally, externally, as well as for the production of other medicines, it can also be used orally. The standard dosage is 10-15 ml. and it can be diluted with clean water.

Preparation of an oil infusion: for 800 ml of oil it is advised to use 200 grams of Turmeric dried roots powder. Mixing should be done indoors out of the reach of direct sunlight and in a glass container, it is convenient to have a container with a fairly wide opening for periodic mixing. The infusion is prepared for 40 days with 2 daily mixings. Prepare and store it in a dark place away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. It is advisable to wrap the glass containers with aluminum or copper foil and preferably keep them grounded. After 40 days, the infusion day is ready. Various types of oils can be used depending on the purpose. For vaginal use, organic sea buckthorn seed oil is used. For rectal use, cocoa bean oil is used. For oral use, organic coconut oil is used, which in principle can be used in the absence of other oils in all cases. All oils are, of course, cold pressed.

Preparation of an ointment: to prepare the ointment, it is necessary to prepare a glass or ceramic dish for melting. Do not use metal utensils and avoid contact with metals. It is necessary to use a pre-prepared oil infusion. In ceramic or glassware, heat the oil infusion to a temperature of 60-65 degrees Celsius. Then add pharmacopoeia wax or "zabrus" in small portions to the infusion with periodic stirring. Depending on the amount of wax added the infusion will acquire stiffness. For external use on the skin, it is better to make a denser ointment, and for use with vaginal tampons, it is better to make a more aloof ointment. The standard ratio of wax and oil is from 1:3 to 1:9, however, if you use Candelilla (vegetable) wax, then its amount must be reduced in comparison with beeswax. Candelilla wax has some useful properties: water-retaining ability, bactericidal action, vasoconstrictor action. However, these properties are useful for the preparation of solid ointments for use on the skin.

Preparation of an aqueous infusion: to prepare an aqueous infusion, it is necessary to prepare a thermos with a glass or ceramic flask, make sure that the cork does not have metal parts in contact with the infusion. It is necessary to use spring or well or distilled water. You need to make sure that the water quality is good. If the water is distilled, then it is necessary to freeze, defrost and use thawed water. In ceramic or glassware, it is necessary to heat the water to a boil. At the moment when the air bubbles make the water white just before boiling, it must be removed from the fire and immediately poured into a thermos, in which the plant powder is placed in advance. The standard ratio is 1 plant part to 10 ml of water. The preparation time of the infusion in a thermos is 5 hours. Do not filter the contents of the thermos - only filter the single dose before oral administration using a suitable filtering material. It is best to use chemically clean filter paper for laboratories, if one is not available, it can be filtered through a clean, previously unused cloth, including through sterile gauze or bandages. The standard oral dosage of Curcuma Longa infusion is 25 to 30 ml. for mild colds. To determine dosages for oncological, endocrine and other complex diseases, it is necessary to consult with a naturopath, you can schedule an appointment by following this LINK.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance.

Side effects: The safety of Curcuma Longa extract has been evaluated by different laboratories and at different times. Curcuma Longa which was consumed at dosages of 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg for 90 days showed neither mortality nor clinical signs of toxicity. Weight gain, food intake, ocular and neurological examinations, as well as haematological, biochemical blood tests, hormonal tests and urinalysis showed no signs of toxicity after ingestion of Curcuma Longa. The absolute and relative masses of the organs were compared with control cases. The study did not reveal pathological and histopathological changes in the studied tissues or organs which were associated with the treatment.

Product composition:

1. Curcuma Longa powder

Asiabiopharm Curcuma Longa overview

Curcuma longa or Kaminchan (in Thai) is a medical plant, it is used in small quantities as a food supplement in Asian countries, it is obtained from the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant belonging to the ginger family. The common name for this type of Curcuma is Turmeric. This is not the kind of light yellow turmeric that is sold as a spice all over the world. Turmeric has been used as a main ingredient in dishes from Bangladesh and India since ancient times due to its color, aroma and taste. It is also used in social and religious ceremonies in Ayurvedic and folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments, including gastric, hepatic, gynecological and infectious diseases. Curcumin derivatives have a long history of compiling the Indian Herbal Medicine Library in many variations and modern science also proves the effectiveness of herbal curcumin mixtures in a wide range of diseases and infections both in vivo (inside a living object) and in vitro (laboratory models) as well as in silico (computer simulation). Curcumin and its derivatives are an active natural component, a class of polyphenols which are effective in the treatment of various chronic diseases like inflammation, liver disease, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

In Nigerian folk medicine, Turmeric is also used as a wound healing agent. In Nepal, Turmeric is used as an anthelmintic, tonic and blood purifier, as well as to treat jaundice and liver diseases. In Peru, Turmeric, commonly known as Shapinatia is used to treat bronchitis and malaria. In Colombia, it is used to stimulate circulation, heal wounds, cleanse the liver, boost immunity, it is also used to treat thrombosis, indigestion, diabetes, high cholesterol, and kidney infection. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India has documented that Turmeric longa is used as a tonic, stomachic and carminative. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Turmeric can eliminate blood stasis, stimulate menstrual flow, and relieve pain. In the traditional medicine of Pakistan, Turmeric is used as a wound healing agent and for the treatment of acne. In Bhutanese folk medicine, the plant is known as Yungba and is used as a tonic, antidote, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and as a good preservative.

Antioxidant activity: Many people consume antioxidants as a preventative measure against oxidative stress. Antioxidants in the form of commercial dietary supplements are synthetically synthesized and contain a large amount of preservatives. Synthetic antioxidants such as butyl hydroxy anisole (BHA), butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), and tert-butyl hydro quinone (TBHQ) produce toxins or act as carcinogens. Biologically active compounds of plant origin improve health, slow down the aging process and prevent the development of diseases. The antioxidant activity of turmeric samples was determined using DPPH radical scavenging activity and FRAP values. To use Turmeric as an antioxidant, it is necessary to use an ethanol extract or an alcohol tincture. According to the obtained IC 50 values, the alcoholic extracts show a higher scavenging activity than the corresponding aqueous extracts, indicating the influence of the solvent on the measurement of antioxidant properties. Lipid peroxidation is the main mechanism involved in many serious diseases such as chronic liver disease, myocardial infarction, diabetes, and cancer, causing severe cell damage. The curcuminoids and other polyphenols in turmeric improve lipoprotein oxidation, prevent lipid peroxidation, and stabilize the cell membrane, suggesting efficacy in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, the inhibitory effect of turmeric polyphenols (curcuminoids) on lipid accumulation, oxidation, nitric oxide, as well as the formation of inflammatory molecules, gene expression, dependent from nuclear factor, kappa B- (NF-kB-), and its activation may influence the therapeutic effects of turmeric in the pathogenesis of liver, pancreatic, intestinal and cancer diseases, as well as in tobacco smoke-induced damage.

Antifungal activity: Curcuma longa is widely used in traditional Thai medicine for the treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, including rashes, itching, ringworm and ringworm. Dry crushed rhizome is mixed with a small amount of water and the mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin. Studies of Turmeric oil have shown high antifungal activity, including on dermatophytes. Dermatophyte is a fungus belonging to one of three genera: Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. These fungi feed on keratin and cause ringworm in humans. When fungal hyphae burrow into the skin and release enzymes to dissolve keratin, they irritate nerve endings, resulting in itching. Itchiness leads to itching, which helps to spread the fungus to other parts of the host's body. Ar-turmerone, the main compound isolated from the oil of Turmeric is much more effective than chemically synthesized ketoconazole. The antidermatophyte activity of Curcuma longa is 1.56–6.25 µg/ml compared to ketoconazole which is 3.90–7.81 µg/ml for the complete death of fungi. Experiments have shown that a 6% oil infusion ointment is sufficient for use as an effective antidermatophyte preparation. Numerous studies have shown the high effectiveness of Curcumin against the following types of fungal infections: Yellow Aspergillus (Aspergillus flavus), Black Aspergillus (Aspergillus niger), Parasitic Aspergillus (Aspergillus parasiticus) - is the cause of cancer, most often liver carcinoma. Signs and symptoms of exposure may include developmental delay and growth retardation in children, while adults may experience teratogenic effects, lung damage, ulcers, skin irritation, fever, and acute liver disease, which can subsequently lead to liver carcinoma and death. To this type of fungi, a separate program should be devoted, since modern medicine is persistently silent about it, and the mechanism of action is very difficult to understand, since the fungus produces aflatoxin in high quantities, it is developing on starch-containing and protein products and it remains in a stable viable form for a long time. Cochliobol lunatus (Curvularia lunata) and Pale cochliobol (Curvularia pallescens) are two of the main causative agents of pheogyphomycosis. Infection through disruption of the epidermal barrier or inhalation of spores can lead to disseminated infections that often lead to a poor prognosis. It infects immunocompromised patients and patients taking steroids, such as solid organ transplant recipients, AIDS patients and cancer patients, as well as chemotherapy patients. Modern medicine is silent about the fact that the vast majority of diseases associated with allergy symptoms - including rhinitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, bronchopulmonary mycosis, mycotic keratitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalomycosis - are associated with Cochliobol lunatus spores, the laboratory analysis of which for the average person is almost impossible. It is widely argued that Fatty-shaped physarium (Fisarium moniliforme) and Sharp-spored physarium (Fusarium oxysporum) affect only agricultural crops. However, it is not profitable for modern big Pharma to talk about the fact that this culture indirectly causes a number of serious diseases through exposure to the organic poison which is produced by the fumozinin fungus, which is a mycotoxin that has a structural similarity to sphingolipids, which are easily incorporated into biological membranes and cause a number of oncological diseases. Fumonisin B1 was proved hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic in all tested animal species, including humans, it is also carcinogenic, mutagenic, and causes kidney and liver cancer. Fumonisins are not destroyed during baking and canning of products, however, they are less stable during frying. A curious fact is that in 2000 the Colombian government proposed to spread the strain of Fusarium oxysporum, also known as Agent Green, as a bioweapon to forcibly eradicate coca and other illegal crops. Bio-weapon strains were developed by the US government. In February 2001, the European Parliament issued a declaration against the use of these biological agents. The fungus has the ability to dissolve gold and then release it onto the surface of the fungus, coating itself with gold. The fungus is currently being researched as a possible way to discover hidden underground gold reserves. It is also used to produce gold nanoparticles. Black rot or Alternaria dianthi (Alternaria dianthi) is a fungide that causes a wide range of respiratory diseases, lung tissue fibrosis, exogenous allergic alveolitis, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis. Based on this we can unequivocally state that drugs based on Turmeric are effective in the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by the above fungi.

Ophthalmic Diseases: Pterygium is a relatively common eye disease that can manifest itself in an aggressive clinical course. To evaluate the effect of turmeric in vitro on pterygium-derived human keratinocytes pterygium samples were collected from 20 patients undergoing surgical pterygium removal. Pterygium explants were placed in specifically cultured cells and the resulting keratinocytes were treated with an alcoholic solution consisting of 1.3% Curcuma Longa in a 0.001% benzalkonium chloride solution for 3, 6, and 24 hours. The cultured cells were examined for expression of CAM5.2 (anti-cytokeratin antibody) and CD140 (anti-fibroblast transmembrane glycoprotein antibody) between 3 and 16 hours to assess cell homogeneity. To detect apoptosis of keratinocytes, the TUNEL method (DNA fragmentation method) and staining with annexin (a group of cellular proteins)-V/PI in flow cytometry were used. This study has proved that Curcuma Longa has a pro-apoptotic (acceleration of cell death) effect on pterygium-derived keratinocytes as early as 3 hours after treatment. Moreover, after 24 hours of treatment, Curcuma Longa produced a significant increase in TUNEL as well as annexin-V/PI positive cells compared to untreated samples. The study confirms previous observations highlighting the expression of nuclear VEGF in pterygium keratinocytes and provides evidence for the expression of nuclear and cytoplasmic VEGF-R1. Overall, these data suggests that Curcuma longa has therapeutic potential in the treatment and prevention of human pterygium. You can study the results of these studies in more detail on the asiabiopharm.com webpage on the page dedicated to Turmeric in the "Scientific Articles" tab.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity: Turmeric has been widely recognized as an anti-inflammatory agent in traditional medicine, this also has been widely validated in scientific research. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory chemically synthesized drugs (NSAIDs), steroids and immunosuppressants, which are commonly used against all forms of inflammatory diseases are associated with side effects such as ulceration, perforation, gastric irritation, hematopoiesis, angioedema, liver failure, headache, hemolytic anemia, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis and immunodeficiency states. Unlike chemically synthesized drugs, herbal natural drugs do not have side effects. Turmeric has a group of three curcuminoids, curcumin diferulo-ylmethane, demethoxy-curcumin and bis-demethoxy-curcumin, as well as the volatile oils turmerone, atlanton and zingiberene, sugars, proteins and resins. A significant anti-inflammatory effect of Curcuma longa extracts is obtained with petroleum ether, a 50% alcohol and water solution has been experimentally proven to be effective in treating exudative and proliferative inflammation. Subsequently, extensive research on curcuminoids, and especially curcumin, over the past two decades has fully established its anti-inflammatory potential and it has been shown to inhibit the activity of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), lipoxygenase, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) enzymes. These studies allow the use of drugs based on Turmeric for the treatment of inflammatory diseases with greater efficiency than diclofenac and dexamethasone drugs and without any side effects. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways involving inflammatory cells such as eosinophils, mast cells, T lymphocytes, epithelial cells, macrophages, and neutrophils. These inflammatory cells produce inflammatory mediators that play a key role in lung inflammation and asthma. Clinical studies have shown that the use of mixtures based on Turmeric is significantly more effective than the use of dexamethasone. In one study it was found that the use of low, medium and high doses of curcumin has a positive effect on gamma interferon, total leukocyte and cytokine levels (interleukin) IL-4, as well as the ratio of interferon of gamma to interleukin levels. The effect of Turmeric extract on the percentage of eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes and the levels of IgE (immunoglobulin), IL-4 (interleukin), SOD (superoxide dismutase), nitric oxide, nitric nitrate and thiol were significantly lower than those of dexamethasone. The data of these studies makes it possible to make an obvious choice in favor of anti-inflammatory therapy with drugs based on Turmeric.

Antibacterial activity: Plaut's bacillus or fusobacteria (Fusobacterium nucleatum) is the dominant species among about 400 species of human plaque bacteria. It is the cause of periodontal disease, periodontitis, and in addition to its oral cavity, it can be found in various body parts. The decrease of the immune function is one of the causes of abscesses in the brain, lungs and also causes septic arthritis. It often becomes the cause of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, pancreas and colon, where it plays an important role in carcinogenesis, since it has not a hefty virulence. Bacteroides intermedia (Prevotella intermedia) is a gram-negative, anaerobic pathogenic bacterium that causes oral infections, including gingivitis, periodontitis, and is often found in acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. Preparations based on Turmeric in clinical trials have shown a high inhibitory activity against Bacteroides intermediate and Plaut's bacillus. Periodontal studies have shown a decrease in inflammatory reactions and a decrease in pocket depth by more than 10% after one complete treatment of the oral cavity with a mixture based on Turmeric. Massive studies have been carried out in many laboratories around the world where powerful antibacterial activity against the following pathogens has been clearly established: Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori) - which causes gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers, Bacillus cereus - (Bacillus cereus) – which causes acute pulmonary and intestinal inflammation, including salmonellosis, hay bacillus (Bacillus subtilis) - which causes intestinal infections, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), which we have talked about many times before, E. coli (Escherichia coli) - needs no introduction, it is one of the most common causative agents of intestinal disorders , parahemolytic vibrios (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) - the causative agents of acute gastroenteritis, the bacterium Proteus mirablis (Proteus mirabilis) - which causes symptoms of gastrointestinal dysbacteriosis, and is also often the cause of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and our beloved, intractable Pseudomonas aeruginosa - causing tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, panophthalmitis, acute prostatitis, catheter-associated pyelonephritis, and trophic ulcers. A wide range of highly effective antibacterial activities allow the use of preparations based on Turmeric as an effective preventative measure and active therapeutic agent for a wide range of bacterial lesions, both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, with efficiency at the level of chemically synthesized antibiotics, but without side effects which can express themselves as fungal infections active growths.

Immunomodulatory Activity: The human body has a remarkably complex immune system which is made from white blood cells and specialized immune molecules that protect the body from invading pathogens. The immune system includes the innate and adaptive parts. The innate part provides the first level protection against pathogens and then stimulates the adaptive part to enhance the protection. The innate part is the fastest acting. It mainly depends on neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells and monocytes, while T and B cells are involved in the adaptive part. The treatment of inflammatory and immune-related diseases which are caused by defects or disorders of the immune system requires the modulation of the immune response. Immunomodulation is the process of modifying the immune response by administering a drug or compound and immunomodulators are substances that are used to modulate components of the immune system. Extensive cell and animal studies have been conducted to evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of the plant using various immune cells such as macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes (T and B cells) and NK cells. These studies have shown that Turmeric enhances cellular and humoral responses. Thus, this plant can be used as a drug to increase immune protection, including on a permanent basis. Turmeric enhances the immune response after it has been challenged by a wide range of pathogens. Identification by RT-PCR tests showed that Turmeric increases the expression of corstin and lysozyme genes, this indicates a significant increase in the expression of AMP (antimicrobial peptides). AMP production is the primary defense mechanism of the body innate immune system and they are essential for organisms with nonfunctioning adaptive immune systems. Other studies have shown that Turmeric modulates the immune response. At dosages of 2.5 g / kg it significantly increases the percentage of lymphocytes and leads to a significant increase in titer levels which are good against the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) when compared with the control groups.

Hepatoprotective activity: Chronic alcohol use has long been considered as the main cause of alcoholic fatty liver disease, while non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has been proven not to be associated with alcohol consumption at all. The causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are lifestyle habits that include excessive food intake and insufficient energy. Therefore, it is often accompanied by diseases which are associated with those lifestyles such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Recently, with the increase in the number of such cases the attention paid to non-alcoholic fatty degeneration of the liver is gradually increasing. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has different stages. Simple hepatic steatosis is characterized by the accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can progress to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Mixtures based on Turmeric at dosages of 200 mg/kg demonstrate anti-fatty liver activity and hepatoprotective activity in acute fatty degeneration of the liver by reducing the activity of serum enzymes and the levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol in the serum and malondialdehyde in the liver, while restoring the level of reduced glutathione, as well as the activity of glutathione-S-transferase and superoxide dismutase. Bisacuron, a component of turmeric is known to have similar effects. Oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines play an important role in ethanol-induced liver damage. Studies have shown that an aqueous extract of turmeric provides effective protection against ethanol-induced liver damage. In conclusion, it must be said that the preventative use of mixtures based on Turmeric is a highly effective tool that prevents the development of liver damage in both chronic alcoholics and those prone to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, including steatohepatitis. The use of Curcuma longa preparations is also effective as a component in the treatment of chronic and acute courses of liver diseases of various etiologies, including hepatocellular carcinoma.

Antiparasitic activity: Turmeric antiparasitic spectrum of activity includes uses against schistosomiasis, helminthiasis, babesiosis, scabies, coccidiosis, giardiasis, malaria, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis and acanthamebiasis. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that infects about 12 million people worldwide, with the number of new cases increasing each year. Сhemotherapeutic agents used to treat leishmaniasis, such as sodium stibogluconate, N-methylglucamine antimoniate, pentamidine, and amphotericin B, are not active when taken orally and require prolonged parenteral ingestion. These agents also have serious side effects, such as severe kidney and liver damage. Clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of preparations based on Turmeric for the treatment of diseases caused by protozoan parasites. Curcuma longa rhizome extract and curcumin have been shown to reduce adhesion of trophozoites and Acanthamoeba triangularis cysts. Acanthamoeba triangularis is a free-living protozoan found ubiquitously in nature, for example in water and soil. The parasite is the causative agent of a number of diseases, including granulomatous amoebic encephalitis and acanthamoeba keratitis. The morphology of trophozoites and Acanthamoeba cysts after treatment with Curcuma longa extract and pure curcumin compound was assessed by SEM. Amoeboid Trophozoites lost the ability to interact with each other and began to shrink when the cells were exposed to Turmeric. After exposure to Turmeric extract and curcumin trophozoites acquired an abnormal shape and finally turned into round cells. It was emphasized that Acanthamoeba Trophozoites treated with curcumin lost their acanthopodia and the parasite cell membrane was destroyed after interaction with curcumin, this confirmed the death of Acanthamoeba.

Musculoskeletal system: osteoarthritis (OA) is a global inflammatory joint disease. This is one of the main causes of joint disability. Most current medical therapies focus only on pain relief and symptomatic treatment, including the use of steroidal and non-steroidal chemically synthesized anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as intra-articular administration of glucocorticoids and opioids. However gastrointestinal side effects and dose dependence are unacceptable problems with these drugs. In addition, total knee arthroplasty (TEK) is mainly used to treat severe coxarthrosis, after which severe complications often occur. Joint disease involves mechanical, inflammatory, and metabolic factors rather than a simple "wear and tear" disease. Inflammation plays a much greater role in the pathogenesis of arthrosis than previously thought, and arthrosis is now regarded as a low-grade inflammatory disease that affects all joint tissues, including cartilage degeneration, bone remodeling, osteophytes, and synovitis. Chinese medicine has been using Turmeric extract for thousands of years to treat joint problems. Clinical studies have shown that Turmeric extract affects pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling by affecting the activity of transcription factors (NF-kB), including interleukin, phospholipase A2, 5-lipoxygenase, and COX-2 cyclooxygenase. Turmeric oil has been shown to have powerful anti-arthritis and joint protective effects in progressive rheumatoid arthritis. As a result of treatment with preparation based on Turmeric long in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, swelling of the joints was sharply suppressed - tests show an inhibition efficiency of 90% to 100%. In general, this and other studies clearly indicate the safety and effectiveness of the use of Turmeric for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Oncoprotective properties: In prehistoric times, Turmeric was used to treat numerous oncological diseases. Turmeric and its ingredients need to be considered on the spectrum of multipurpose phytochemicals for cancer therapy. For example, the use of curcumin affects apoptosis, autophagy, and cell cycle arrest. There are many signaling pathways, such as transcription factor-p53 protein, protein chain including Ras, phosphoinositide-3-kinase, AKT signal transduction pathway, Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, and rapamycin target, which are antitumor targets of curcumin. In addition, turmeric modifies the expression regulation of the miRNA network. It should be noted that the activity of histone deacetylases is inhibited by curcumin. According to in vitro and in vivo studies, registered studies prove that curcumin has anticancer activity against breast cancer, lung cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, prostate cancer, and brain tumors. Cancer has been found to contribute to a significant epigenetic modulator and specific inhibition of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), the regulation of histone modifications through the regulation of histone acetyl transferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs), and the regulation of mRNA. Curcumin is reported to induce apoptosis and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation as an act of anti-cancer treatment while suppressing various cell signaling pathways. The study of the antiproliferative effect (inhibition of reproduction) of turmeric components on human cancer cell lines, including adenocarcinoma, breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, and the immunomodulatory effect of turmerones on mononuclear cells of the human macrophage system showed that alpha-turmerone and curcuminoids significantly inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Moreover, the multiplication of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and the composition of cytokines is accelerated.

Colorectal cancer is a lymphoma of the large intestine. Recently, colorectal cancer (CRC) has become a worrying global health problem. Evidence suggests that obesity and various other metabolic problems are associated with colorectal carcinogenesis. Numerous biological relationships between obesity and the progression of colonic lymphoma have been established. Turmeric performs anti-tumor and anti-cancer functions by inhibiting the formation of NF-kB and downregulating NF-kB-related gene products associated with cancer endurance, proliferation, and metastasis. For reference: NF-kB is a universal transcription factor that controls the expression of immune response, apoptosis, and cell cycle genes. Turmeric inhibits the initiation of the signal transducer and transcription activator 3 (STAT3) and stimulates the death receptors. In addition, Turmeric improves the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduces the spread of tumor cell lines, it increases the sensitivity of tumor cells to capecitabine and taxol (chemotherapeutic drugs). As a consequence, Turmeric effectively inhibits tumor cell proliferation by suppressing the NF-kB and STAT3 pathways. The plant successfully overcomes the problem of CRC multidrug resistance mediated by P-glycoprotein, which manifests itself in vitro and in vivo.

Kidney cancer, including: clear cell kidney cancer, papillary (subtypes 1 and 2) kidney cancer, chromophobic kidney cancer, kidney oncocytoma, collecting duct cancer, medullary kidney cancer. Long-term exposure of a human kidney cell line to 10 micromoles of curcumin alters edema-activated chloride current in a dose-dependent manner. Ingestion of curcumin induces apoptosis in human kidney cells and stimulates the appearance of a subpopulation of cells with increased volume at a concentration of 5.0-10 micromoles. Similarly, 50µM of curcumin initiate apoptosis and increase the size of colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Cell cycle arrest may be responsible for the increase in cell line size following exposure to curcumin.

Liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. In a study which was conducted by Japanese biologists the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induction in human hepatocellular carcinoma SMMC-7721 cells were studied. Curcumin has been clinically shown to markedly prevent the growth of SMMC-7721 cells by inducing apoptosis through modulation of the BAX protein and BCL-2 protein. Curcumin targets the spindle assembly checkpoint and initiates apoptosis in cells having a higher concentration of phosphorylated cycle 27 - cell division (CDC27). Phosphorylation of CDC27 is actually the mechanism by which curcumin exerts its antitumor effects. Curcumin induces cell death by stimulating the apoptotic pathway and inhibiting cell growth and proliferation.

Bone cancer, including osteosarcoma, parosteal sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chondrosarcoma. Studies have been carried out in the field of bone cancer therapy with natural preparations. In particular, using a synthetic analog of the natural compound pancratistatin with curcumin for the treatment of osteosarcoma. Although curcumin has strong anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties, its low water solubility limits its use. One controlled study describes the preparation and characterization of nanocurcumin using polylactic and glycolic acids. In the treatment of bone cancer, it is necessary to use a combination of natural pancratistanin, which is contained in the plant Gimenokallis or "Spider Lily" - the Amaryllis family, mainly in the bulbs of the plant. Suitable varieties are Hymenocallis caribaea (Hymenocallis Caribbean), Hymenocallis cordifolia (Hymenocallis cordifolia), Hymenocallis festalis (Hymenocallis early). It is worth remembering that the bulbs are poisonous and an accurate dosage calculation and special extraction technologies are required.

Lung cancer or bronchogenic cancer or bronchogenic carcinoma of the lung. Turmeric can only be used in the treatment of lung carcinoma, as, indeed, in the case of other oncological lesions, only in combination with natural ingredients. Studies have shown that the semi-synthetic drug docetaxel in combination with curcumin has a greater damaging effect on normal tissues when used as a chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of lung carcinoma. It has been confirmed that curcumin can progress the tumor by reducing the effectiveness of docetaxel in lung cancer. Similarly, simultaneous administration of curcumin and docetaxel results in mild toxicity to normal tissues as well as to the bone marrow and liver. Clinical studies have shown that the use of curcumin in the treatment of lung carcinoma is effective and safe when using therapeutic preparations containing natural biological components. Curcuma longa is currently labeled as a tumor inhibitor not only in vitro but also in vivo.

Cancer of the blood and cancer of the lymphatic system - leukemia, including Burkitt's lymphoma. Curcumin inhibits the growth of various types of malignant cells along with lymphoma cells. Treatment of Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines with curcumin in combination with ionizing radiation (radiation therapy) indicates that the use of curcumin increases the sensitivity of lymphoma cells to radiation-induced apoptosis and improves the post-synthetic G2/M cell phase of the cell cycle. The use of curcumin increases the effectiveness of radiation therapy many times over, as well as the use of Curcuma longa preparations in combination with other Ayurvedic preparations in the treatment of oncological diseases of the blood and lymphatic systems. In particular, one of the effective combinations is the combined use of Turmeric with asparaginase L, especially in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, acute myelomonoblastic leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, reticulosarcoma and melanoma. Combined treatment with curcumin and L-asparaginase (L-ASP) initiates apoptosis by activating various cysteine proteases (caspase-8 and caspase-9/3) along with activation of the phase I detoxification system. Curcumin acts synergistically with L-ASP in patients suffering from blood and bone marrow cancer. In addition, it can be said that curcumin dramatically reduces the multiplication of castration-resistant prostate cancer cell lines and interrupts the growth of uterine leiomyosarcoma cells by targeting AKT.

Lipid-lowering activity: Curcuma longa extract has an indirect protective activity against cardiovascular diseases. The plant has a lipid-lowering effect on hyperlipidemia caused in particular by a high-fat diet. Curcumin markedly lowers triglycerides, free fatty acids, serum total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol while increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Turmeric extract also demonstrated lipid-lowering effects by reducing lipid-induced oxidative stress, platelet activation, and vascular dysfunction. Regular supplementation of Turmeric with long meals at a preventative dose of ≥620 mg/kg/day has shown anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic effects in diabetic patients by normalizing serum glucose levels. The use of Turmeric extract inhibited both the increase in blood glucose levels and the development of abdominal fat mass in obese and diabetic patients. Turmeric extract also inhibits α-glucosidase and α-amylase activity in a dose dependent manner due to the presence of turmerone. Based on the studies, it is obvious that Turmeric is an effective tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, thromboembolism.

Neuroprotective properties: Studies have been conducted regarding the use of Turmeric in epilepsy. These studies have shown the following properties and mechanisms of action of Turmeric as a neuroprotector: increases neurogenesis, including reversing the stress-induced decrease in progenitor cell proliferation in the subgranular zone, proliferation and recruitment of neural stem cells are enhanced due to overexpression of erythropoietin or transmembrane protein (klotho) -for the suppression of tumor necrosis factor (Tnf-α) through a transcription factor that controls the expression of immune response, apoptosis and cell cycle (NFκB) genes and a decrease in the level of the erythropoietin receptor. As is known, erythropoietin has neuroprotective properties and reduces apoptosis and necroptosis, it induces autophagy, reduces cell death by reducing oxidative stress, it activates nicotrin, the protein encoded by the CX3CL1 gene and the cytokine CXCL16, and also regulates the activation of microglia and microglial genes. In addition, it reduces neuronal loss, gliosis, abnormal sprouting of mossy fibers, promotes neuronal inhibition, reduces HTR7 protein expression, inhibits monoamine oxidase, reduces acetylcholinesterase activity, and reduces nervous excitation by reducing the activity of glutamate receptors. You can read the complete description and mechanisms of action on the central nervous system on the asiabiopharm.com website on the page dedicated to curcuma longa in the article tab, the title is Curcuma Longa - therapy for epileptic seizures. This study showed the effectiveness of Turmeric not only for the treatment of epileptic seizures, but also for depression and neurodegenerative diseases associated with memory loss, including dementia.

A few words about cerebral ischemia or ischemic stroke. The powerful antioxidant activity of Turmeric is effective in inhibiting the formation of cerebral edema, one of the most dangerous consequences of ischemic brain injury. Therapy with Curcuma longa reduces the production of nitric oxide produced by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) during ischemic stroke. Curcuma longa preparations inhibit copper-mediated LDL oxidation in the thiobarbituric acid reactive assay (IC 50 = 7.8 ± 0.2 µg/mL). Turmeric extract at doses of 250 to 500 mg/kg when taken orally has been shown to be neuroprotective in embolic stroke. In occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, pre-treatment with turmeric essential oil has shown a neuroprotective effect by inhibiting the formation of free radicals. Its neuroprotective efficacy was mediated by a reduction in endothelial cell-mediated inflammation in post-myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. The ability of Turmeric preparations to penetrate the brain after a stroke is carried out through the transcellular lipophilic pathway. Turmeric extract at a dosage of 500 mg/kg when taken orally is an effective and safe antiplatelet agent and protects against intravascular thrombosis in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion and thrombosis. These studies clearly indicate the effectiveness of the use of preparations based on Turmeric for the prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke and a wide range of vascular diseases, including tendencies for such diseases.

Side effects: The safety of Curcuma longa extract has been evaluated by different laboratories and at different times. Curcumin ingested at doses of 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg for 90 days showed neither mortality nor clinical signs of toxicity. Weight gain, food intake, ocular and neurological examinations, as well as haematological, biochemical blood tests, hormonal tests and urinalysis showed no signs of toxicity of treatment with Turmeric long. The absolute and relative masses of organs were compared with organs in control groups. The study did not reveal pathological and histopathological changes in the studied tissues or organs which were associated with this treatment.

You can find a series of scientific articles on the site asiabiopharm.com on the page dedicated to Curcuma Longa, this includes articles about the use of Curcuma Longa and herbal drugs which were prepared from it for the treatment of all of the above diseases. To do this, go to the tab "Scientific articles". 

You can buy this product from the producer, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store asiabiopharm.com. You can find the links and contact details of the producer in the description.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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